ex: I am moviegating a minivan because it has my favorite movie playing
2. Broner: A slang term used to explain the phenomenon during which a fiercely heterosexual male achieves an erection (or, "boner") for or while in the company of one of his male friends (or, "bros"). This may only occur while engaging in all-male activities, particularly those which include feats of strength or displays of hyper-masculinity.
ex: The way you creamed that linebacker gave me a total broner.
3. Indoorsman: A person who spends considerable time in indoor pursuits, such as computing, sleeping and watching sports on television.
ex: Sean, an avid indoorsman, is highly regarded for his skill at video games and computer programming.
4. Febreze shower: When you haven't showered (and don't have time to), but you don't want to go out smelling bad, so you spray yourself with Febreze instead.
ex: Ron smelled like feet, but he was running late for class so he settled for a febeze shower.
And our personal favorite which is last but far from least,
5. Man Chair: The chair that men sit in while their partner is shopping for long periods of time. They can be found in almost any clothing or shoe store.
ex: Jack sat in the man chair while he waited for Kelly to finish shopping for shoes...
Want some sweet lingo printed up on an awesome shirt? Call Duds By Dudes at 866-96- DUDES (38337) or hit us up on Facebook or Twitter.

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