Just as rad as watching was listening to the Aussie slang. Some of our favorites include:
1. Frothing: Loving it.
ex: Taj was frothing those waves yesterday.
2. Heaps: Lots, a ton.
ex: There were heaps of cute chickies on the beach watching the tourney.
3. A over T: to fall over, from "arse over tits".
ex: I drank too many bevies after the tourney and fell A over T into the gutter
4. Darwin stubbie: In Darwin this is a 1.25 litre bottle of beer. In the rest of the country a stubbie is a 375 ml bottle of beer, quite a difference. Legend has it that in Darwin a long road journey is not measured in time or distance but in stubbies, i.e. the number of stubbies drunk en-route.
ex: You prolly fell A over T because you had one too many Darwin stubbies at the bar, ya lush!
5. Dunny: Toilet or lavatory, originally an outside toilet or outhouse, now a generic term for the toilet regardless of location. Sometimes referred to as the Thunder Box! Different from the bathroom which really does contain a bath or shower for cleaning your personage.
ex: Maybe thats why I thought the flowerpot in the front yard was a dunny.
Want some awesome t shirts with Aussie slang or maybe Taj's face plastered across your chest? Call Duds by Dudes at 866-96-DUDES (38337) or check us on Facebook or Twitter:

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