Friday, October 15, 2010

T-shirt Timeee!

Our ever faithful and feisty friends on the Jersey Shore have come through again with an awesome song created and performed with (We're sure) Duds by Dudes in mind.

It's T-shirt Timeee has become the Duds by Dudes new company motto. So thank you Guidos, faux-tanners, T-shirt wearers, and sweaty fist pumping people alike for making our day just a little more awesome. For more t-shirt fun call Duds by Dudes at 866-96-DUDES (38337), or check us out on Facebook or Yelp.

"It's T-shirt Timeee has changed the way I dress, do business, fist pump, shake my shake weights, and talk to the ladies. I'm getting all my shirts from Duds by Dudes for T-shirt Timeee."
- Mike Delphino, real Duds by Dudes customer

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