For all my fellow Dudette's out there who are sick and tired of dating the same old sleeze bags (sorry Dudes), I have miraculously fantastical news for you! The new book "Wake UP! He's A Shapeshifter" Just hit the shelves this week and man oh man am I excited about this one. Not only are all the dating faux paxs explained, but if his shifty behaviors like staying out late and never calling you back aren't explained in this book, Craig Weedon's next series called Look Out! He's An Android! Will be in stores next month. And the best part about all these unexplained behaviors and slippery actions it that it's not your fault Dudettes! For your viewing pleasure check below for the
Duds by Dudes exclusive interview with Author Mr. Weedon.
So if you're worried about your beaux being a little shifty pick up a copy at your local bookstore NOW!

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