Super sweet double fist pumping tequila shooting celebration news on the D by D front. We get to be on an MTV!!! Thanks to our special to involvement with
Dienasty Select (pronounced dynasty). We are uber psyched to be doing business with these cool Dudes. Check out their new 2010 line which is being printed at the Duds by Dudes factory and can be ordered through their
website. Also keep an eye out for your favorite Dudes on an MTV special! MTV is going to be filming the Dienasty guys since they are the shiz-nat, so when the guys come into check out the printing process you're going to see your favorite Dudes and Dudettes on TV! w00t w00t!!!

You knew we already printed some rad threads, but if you want a piece of the action check out the
Duds by Dudes website or call us at 866-96-DUDES (38337). Or as always you can get a hold of us on
Facebook and

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