Monday, January 4, 2010

New Year Fitness Tips, D by D Style!

With the new year upon us we at Duds by Dudes have vowed to uphold our New Years resolutions of getting into better shape. The Dudes are going to utilize the season with weekend snowboarding trips and conquer the 100 push ups challenge, while the Dudette is going to join the San Diego Derby Dolls to get her fitness on. But if you're more of the non-contact type of fittnes buff we have some suggestions for a healthy new year,

1. Pogo Sticking: Burn those calories on the pogo stick, jumping up and down on a pogo stick for 30 min burns 301 calories. That's pretty awesome, and we don't think the police can bust you for a JUI (Jumping Under the Influence) so rock that pogo stick out this weekend and burn those beer calories. Just one word of caution, don't try to double up on your cardio activites or you'll end up like this guy...

2. Archery: On your days off from the 100 push ups challenge try sculpting those shoulders with some arrow slinging. 30 minutes of archery burns 128 calories, which is pretty BA considering you're only using your upper body.

3. Chopping Wood: 30 minutes of vigorous wood chopping can burn up to 227 calories. Now we know you might be thinking that wood chopping sounds more boring than watching wallpaper peel, but if you are eager to throw some danger in the mix try this little trick to put some spring in your swing,

4. Running: Running at 8 mph for 30 minutes can burn a whopping 504 calories. There are a multitude of ways to stay on track with running, including downloading some rockin' tunes onto your Ipod, following the cute girl at the park wearing the spandex shorts, or you can do as they do in Gloucestershire England and chase after a more interesting goal, extra calorie burn points if you dress up in a costume,

Hopefully these tips and tricks will help you stay fit for the upcoming year. To get some sweet fitness threads call Duds By Dudes at 866-96-DUDES (38337) or check us on Facebook or Twitter,

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