Friday, January 29, 2010


As much fun as going out on the weekends can be sometimes you need to spice up the normal bar routine. Lucky for you the Dudette has a plethora of entertaining games to keep your weekend amusement levels at an all time high!

1. For the sports enthusiasts nothing can be better than throwing a red bouncy ball at lightning speed. This is also known in higher circles as Dodge Ball. The important thing to remember about this game is to never let your guard down, EVER! The way we play is we pick either an object or a color, such as ponytails or yellow then whenever any team player sees the magic initiator they have to yell "DODGE BALL" and may cream any other player, this game may take place anywhere from a local Wal-Mart to the comfort of your own home. So enjoy creaming your teammates while its lasts because this is a game of embarrassment, degradation and humiliation and you know that it is going to come back around.

2. For the 21 and over crowd the Dudette likes to play a fun little game called "The Zambonie Fake Out" Start out with a large group of people, the more the better, then have every person pick a fake profession for the night. Some popular ones we have heard are alchemist, elephant trunk washer, jewel smuggler, falcon hunter, tornado chaser, professional bagpiper, dolphin trainer, and hummus tester. The more ludicrous the better. Next set everyone loose at the nearest crowded bar. The goal of the game is to get a complete stranger to believe you actually do your fake profession by introducing you to one of their friends and saying your fake profession out loud without prompting from the player. Once this has been done the player will yell ZAMBONI at the top of their lungs and is declared winner. The other players now must buy the winner their drinks for the remainder of the night.

Like what you read? Want your very own Zambonie Fake Out shirt? We don't blame you, just call the Dudes up at 866-963-8337 or look us up on Facebook, Twitter, or Yelp! Happy hunting Dudes and Dudettes!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Gym, Tanning, Laundry

Word on the street has been that Duds by Dudes is putting out our very own line called Gym, Tanning, Laundry. Well you're in luck Dudes and Dudettes because that word is correct. We printed up some rad shirts this morning modeled after the Jersey Shore Gym, Tanning, Laundry. Don't know what we are talking about? Check out this Guido and you'll see what we are talking about...

So if you are in the mood to fist pump, hairspray your poof to perfection and bedazzle every article of clothing in your closet you are in luck! Call Duds by Dudes at 866-96-DUDES (38337) for your own specialized Gym, Tanning, laundry shirt and look as cool as this hip cat...

We figured those Guidos were looking pretty darn fit so we fist pumped our way to the printing press to make you these rad shirts, for other ways to order check us out on Facebook, Twitter, and Yelp!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Pants on the Ground

The way we think of things here at Duds by Dudes is if your pants are on the ground then at least you are still sporting your awesome Duds threads on the top half!

This guy is awesome, watching it made us pee our pants a little (which might be a reason to drop them to the ground), haha. Get a Pants on the ground shirt by checking out our website Duds by Dudes. or calling 866-93-DUDES (37883), or check us on any of these other sites...

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Our Karma Sutra Buddies

Not to sound pervy or anything, but has anyone else ever wondered what a white midget and a large black woman would look like in the Piledriver position? What about two midgets doing the frog leap? Well you are in luck my friends, because the PG rated My Karma Sutra Buddy gives you the options to choose your own special combo of people and positions. There are undergarments covering all the nibbles and bits so noting is being tossed around like a Jerry Springer special, but the as well as being educational the video examples are sometimes downright hilarious. So check it out and satisfy your own curiosity.

Ready to give it a go? Pick your two favorite Mr. and Mrs. Fun Buddies for boinking purposes,

Then you get the option of choosing your favorite position of experimentation,

And at the end BA BOOM! You get either a thumbs up or thumbs down rating from the eager participants. Now have fun and let us know on Facebook or twitter what you think. For some awesome shirts check out the Duds by Dudes website, call 866-96- DUDES (38337) or look us up on any of these other pages,

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

It's Peanut Butter Jelly TIME!

Besides being downright brilliant the It's Peanut Butter Jelly Time video has inspired Duds by Dudes to slap a maraca wielding banana costumed Brian Griffin on a shirt. Now you can be reminded of the supreme "It's Peanut Butter Jelly Time" booty shake allllllllll daaaaaay looooooong. I mean whats to loose? We're flipping the on switch to this little video below and going for it right now!

Because the It's Peanut Butter Jelly time is cooler than a samurai sword wielding elf, annnnnd because the Dudes are in Vegas right now and left the Dudette alone in the office to fend for herself today (Don't worry, they'll get their comeuppance), we are going to delve further into the makings of this snack food infested video wonderment...

Appealing to snack food lovers and stoners alike this Internet phenomenon came to fruition after the
Buckwheat Boyz released their self titled album. Iit's speculated that the song is referencing a car with a purple paint job, brown leather interior, and wood grain steering wheel & trim. The peanut butter is the brown leather interior, the jelly is the purple paint job, and the baseball bat is the wood grain steering wheel & trim. DJ Chipman continues to say "now there he go," and "where he at," throughout the song, referring to the person driving this car. So now that that's all cleared up here is a little ascii to get you in the mood for the next Duds by Dudes awesome t-shirt, in production now.

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To get your custom printed Duds by Dudes "It's Peanut Butter Jelly Time" shirt call 866-96-DUDES (38337) or check us on Facebook or Twitter,

Monday, January 11, 2010

Doin' the No Pants Dance

Duds by Dudes was just informed from a very reliable source that on Sunday New York residents proudly participated in the ninth annual No-Pants Day on the city subway day. Men, women, children, drag queens, and midgets alike all dropped their pantaloons to reveal some somewhat interesting skivvies.

Why doesn't San Diego participate in an annual No-Pants Day? We're jealous. Duds by Dudes is seriously contemplating starting up a city wide Undy Run for charity, all clothes/ proceeds go to homeless shelters around the city. And the best part is it wouldn't be sub zero temperatures like those temperamental New York winters.

For customized Duds by Dudes "Mind the Gap" undies call Duds by Dudes at 866-96-DUDES (38337) Or check us out on Facebook and Twitter...

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Awkward moments

Recently while trading stories around the water cooler the Dudette informed us that she had quite the awkward encounter over her mischevious NYE 2010 night. This got us to thinking about awkward moments. Now we have all had those floundering moments of blundering amnesia when we are forced into those "Heeeeeeey You" conversations where we can't seem to remember anything about the person we are talking to yet they seem to know everything about us from our plans for the weekend to our Mother's maiden name. Maybe you have also fallen victim to the classic mistake of showing up to a costume party in a corset and bunny ears only to find out that Priests and Prostitutes party is now just a regular Joe Shmo family BBQ, too bad Halloween is so far away. Perhaps there has been a facebook or texting mishap in your past similar to this unfortunately painful situation,

Yes, we've all fallen victim to the awkward moment. Although these are all highly bewildering and confusing situations we think that the Duds by Dudes Most Awkward Moment of 2009 Award goes to Jenny...

Want some "Sweet Sweet Sandwiches" Threads? Call Duds by Dudes at 866-96-DUDES (68337) or look us up on Facebook or Twitter,

Monday, January 4, 2010

New Year Fitness Tips, D by D Style!

With the new year upon us we at Duds by Dudes have vowed to uphold our New Years resolutions of getting into better shape. The Dudes are going to utilize the season with weekend snowboarding trips and conquer the 100 push ups challenge, while the Dudette is going to join the San Diego Derby Dolls to get her fitness on. But if you're more of the non-contact type of fittnes buff we have some suggestions for a healthy new year,

1. Pogo Sticking: Burn those calories on the pogo stick, jumping up and down on a pogo stick for 30 min burns 301 calories. That's pretty awesome, and we don't think the police can bust you for a JUI (Jumping Under the Influence) so rock that pogo stick out this weekend and burn those beer calories. Just one word of caution, don't try to double up on your cardio activites or you'll end up like this guy...

2. Archery: On your days off from the 100 push ups challenge try sculpting those shoulders with some arrow slinging. 30 minutes of archery burns 128 calories, which is pretty BA considering you're only using your upper body.

3. Chopping Wood: 30 minutes of vigorous wood chopping can burn up to 227 calories. Now we know you might be thinking that wood chopping sounds more boring than watching wallpaper peel, but if you are eager to throw some danger in the mix try this little trick to put some spring in your swing,

4. Running: Running at 8 mph for 30 minutes can burn a whopping 504 calories. There are a multitude of ways to stay on track with running, including downloading some rockin' tunes onto your Ipod, following the cute girl at the park wearing the spandex shorts, or you can do as they do in Gloucestershire England and chase after a more interesting goal, extra calorie burn points if you dress up in a costume,

Hopefully these tips and tricks will help you stay fit for the upcoming year. To get some sweet fitness threads call Duds By Dudes at 866-96-DUDES (38337) or check us on Facebook or Twitter,