Fellow children of the 80's, let's be honest here, we all have mad LOVE for a good booty shakin', chain blingin', grill flashin', hydraulics bouncin' hip hop video. One vital aspect however that is often overlooked is the pinnacle of human vocal flow acheivement, the flaming garbage can in a hip hop video. We have recently discovered a fellow blogger who shares our same enthusiasm for FGCIHHV (flaming garbage cans in hip hop videos) and want to give a shout out to the
Trailer Park Ninja for his blogging dedication and passion for posting these FGCIHHV videos. A perfect example of a FGCIHHV is P.O.S. - Drum Roll. Not only is there a FGC but there are myriad other fire induced explosions. Check it out,
Trying to spot the FLG sometimes is kinda like a gangsta game of Where's Waldo, which is another awesome thing from the 90's, right around the time FLCs
really started taking off. You can totally see the cultural connection here. For more FGCIHHV videos check out the
Flaming Garbage Cans in Hip Hop Videos blog, and call up
Duds by Dudes at 866-96-DUDES (38337) for all of your FGC needs. You can also friend us on
Facebook, follow us on
Twitter or write us a bomb ass review on